Index Performance Review

(30 Mar - 6 Apr 2018)
Due to the Ching Ming Festival & Easter Holiday, China & HK market were closed for few days during the week. Meanwhile, U.S. president Trump threatened for imposing another USD100bn tariff on China imports. CES SCHK100 index, tracking unique HK concepts, down by 0.4%, dropped by a slower rate comparing to other CES indices.

Morgan Stanley reduced target price on Alibaba since a “lighter EPS” expectations on 4Q18. CES CPE index, of which Alibaba weighted 15%, dropped 2.6%.
Media reported that 402,000 visitors arrived Macau during Easter Holiday, YoY decrease 4.72%. CES G10 index, benchmark for HK-listed gambling stocks, declined 2.9% over the week.
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