(30 Dec 2016 - 6 Jan 2017)
RMB had a big leap on last Wednesday and Thursday, appreciated by 1.1%, a result of PBoC intervention and sequent responses of RMB short positions. China’s forex reserve continued to shrink in December, down about $41b from Nov level. The mitigation of depreciation expectation supported A-share and HK shares last week, CES SCHK100 and CES A80 edged up by 2.3% and 1.2% respectively.
The large-cap cross-border indices CES 120 raised 1.4% last week, outperformed mid-cap one CES 280, which gained 1.2% during the same period.
CES G10 moved in the opposite direction with most of the broad-based benchmarks, adjusted by -0.6% after a robust performance in 2016.