According to HKEX, the Mainboard daily turnover topped 100 billion HKD on Wednesday and Thursday, which has not been seen since August 2015. While Hong Kong Chinese stocks continued to outperform A shares and Hong Kong local stocks, CES HKMI leaped 2.5% to a 18-month high and was the top performer last week.
The barometer of Stock Connect CES 300 gained 1.1% weekly, amid robust southbound capital inflows which amounted to 9.8 billion HKD over the week. The Chinese PRC banks were the most actively traded stocks through Stock Connect, as Chinese central bank announced new loans extended by banks rose to 2.03 trillion yuan in January, twice the amount in December.
Besides HK financial sector, gaming sector also gained strongly during the week, CES G10 rebounded 2.4% after a retreat in previous week.