TOP 10 ETFs by AUM | |||
Rank | Code | Name | AUM (RMB mil) |
1 | 510300 | Huatai-PB CSI 300 ETF | 359,629.46 |
2 | 510310 | E Fund CSI 300 ETF Initiating Fund | 246,294.23 |
3 | 510330 | ChinaAMC CSI 300 ETF | 164,007.51 |
4 | 159919 | Harvest SZSE SME-CHINEXT 300 ETF | 156,461.29 |
5 | 510050 | ChinaAMC China 50 ETF | 151,511.91 |
6 | 510500 | China Southern CSI 500 ETF | 101,749.02 |
7 | 588000 | ChinaAMC China Science And Technology Innovation Board 50 Component ETF | 92,934.56 |
8 | 159915 | E Fund GEM ETF | 91,227.06 |
9 | 588080 | E Fund China Science And Technology Innovation Board 50 Component ETF | 58,903.02 |
10 | 512100 | China Southern CSI 1000 ETF | 53,872.81 |
Huatai-PB: In December, the market initially surged, subsequently declined, and the market style transitioned from small-cap to large-cap. The CSI 300 index closed marginally higher. In our view, market expectations have moderated, and exuberance has been significantly tempered, enhancing the likelihood of a favorable market outcome. The fundamentals of the CSI 300 index remain sound, and in the medium term, there is still upside potential, making it a viable option for portfolios. (07/01/2025)
China AMC: 四季度GDP增速预期上行,伴随超常规逆周期调节开启及“一揽子增量政策”发力显效,宏观经济供需两端都会有不同程度改善,指数行业分布均衡,配置价值凸显。重点行业地产、非银、消费板块有望直接受益于增量政策下的基本面预期改善。指数目前估值水平依然具有优势,具有较高的投资价值。(07/01/2025)
HarvestFund: The official manufacturing PMI for December was 50.1%, which remained above the boom bust line for three consecutive months, indicating an overall recovery trend in the manufacturing industry and signs of macroeconomic stabilization. Since the end of September, policies have been continuously implemented, including reserve requirement ratio cuts, interest rate cuts, lowering interest rates on existing housing loans, lowering down payment ratios for second homes, and facilitating swaps. In addition, the press conference of the Ministry of Finance in October sent positive signals to the market, such as the large borrowing space and deficit increase potential of the central government. At present, policies have gradually been implemented, and the macro economy is expected to continue to recover, which will help to enhance market sentiment and investor risk appetite. As the core asset of the A-share market, the CSI 300 Index is expected to fully benefit, with significant allocation value. (06/01/2025)
TOP10 ETFs by Monthly Return | |||
Rank | Code | Name | Return (1Month) |
1 | 515290 | Tianhong CSI Bank ETF | 6.68% |
2 | 515020 | ChinaAMC CSI Banks ETF | 6.67% |
3 | 512800 | Hwabao WP CSI Banks ETF | 6.53% |
4 | 512700 | China Southern CSI Banks ETF | 6.41% |
5 | 517090 | Guotai FTSE China China Enterprises Open All-Win ETF | 5.62% |
6 | 159994 | Yinhua CSI 5G Communication Theme ETF | 5.50% |
7 | 515300 | Harvest CSI 300 Dividend Low Volatility Index ETF | 5.26% |
8 | 515050 | ChinaAMC CSI 5G Communication Theme ETF | 5.26% |
9 | 517180 | China Southern FTSE China China Enterprises Open All-Win ETF | 5.04% |
10 | 515450 | China Southern S&P China A-Share Large-Cap Dividend Low Volatility 50 ETF | 4.86% |
Tianhong Fund: In 2025, listed companies in the banking sector are expected to maintain stable operations, with revenue and net profit growth remaining steady . Due to the repricing of maturing deposits, net interest margin pressure is anticipated to ease compared to 2024. Currently, listed banks maintain relatively high provision coverage ratios, while the overall non-performing loan generation rate remains low. The ongoing advancement in debt disposal efforts is expected to further strengthen banks' asset quality. Additionally, we believe the high-dividend strategy will continue to be the primary theme driving the performance of bank stocks in 2025. Furthermore, expectations around policy stimulus and economic recovery are likely to support the share price performance of banks. (07/01/2025)
China AMC: 银行股利润稳定性强、分红比例确定性高、股息的可持续性有保障,在无风险利率持续下行的阶段的配置价值得到关注。基本面上从政策转向到经济实现企稳向好的过程中,银行板块有望取得绝对收益。目前板块估值仍处于历史较低区间,在悲观预期改善、无风险收益率下行背景下,估值上限或进一步打开,关注银行板块投资机会。 (07/01/2025)
Guotai Fund: The proposal of the "valuation of Chinese state-owned enterprises with Chinese characteristics" and the comprehensive incorporation of market value management into the assessment of the heads of central state-owned enterprises have further promoted the realization and creation of the value of central state-owned enterprises. In addition, the new "Nine Guidelines" have put forward diversified and effective market value management means such as dividends, share repurchases, mergers and acquisitions, equity incentives and information disclosure, bringing new investment opportunities for central state-owned enterprises. (03/01/2025)
Harvest Fund: Under the low interest rate cycle, dividend assets are a new direction for residents and institutions to allocate their assets. With relatively high dividend yields, dividend assets have become one of the core assets of A-shares, and there are clear signs of institutional investors such as insurance companies continuing to increase their holdings. With the heavyweight conference setting a moderately loose monetary policy, the cost-effectiveness of equity dividend asset allocation is further highlighted. In the future, with the continuous deepening of high-quality development of the Chinese economy and the continuous promotion of high-quality development of the Chinese capital market, the normalized dividend mechanism of listed companies is gradually improving, and the dividend scale and proportion of the A-share market are expected to continue to increase. Dividend allocation may be evolving into a medium - to long-term investment logic, which deserves continuous attention. (06/01/2025)
TOP 10 ETFs by Monthly Net-Buy | |||
Rank | Code | Name | Net Buy** (RMB mil) |
1 | 512890 | Huatai-PB CSI Dividend Low Volatility ETF | 5,542.43 |
2 | 510880 | Huatai-PB SSE Dividend Index ETF | 4,611.58 |
3 | 515180 | E Fund CSI Dividend ETF | 2,905.50 |
4 | 515450 | China Southern S&P China A-Share Large-Cap Dividend Low Volatility 50 ETF | 2,373.74 |
5 | 562500 | ChinaAMC CSI Robot ETF | 2,218.38 |
6 | 515100 | Invesco Great Wall CSI Dividend Low Volatility 100 ETF | 2,014.88 |
7 | 159952 | GF ChiNext ETF | 1,716.48 |
8 | 512000 | Hwabao WP CSI All Share Investment Banking & Brokerage Index ETF | 1,455.61 |
9 | 512880 | Guotai CSI All Share Investment Banking & Brokerage Index ETF | 1,325.54 |
10 | 515080 | China Merchants CSI Dividend ETF | 1,119.14 |
Huatai-PB: December is of significance for funds to plan across the year, and the intensification of the dividend style is evident, with dividend assets demonstrating clear excess returns. From a medium- to long-term allocation perspective, the underlying logic supporting dividend assets remains unchanged. The sustained enhancement of the fundamentals of publicly-traded entities is also a pivotal factor in the comprehensive stabilization of the market. Dividend assets have demonstrated resilience and offer a high degree of certainty. (07/01/2025)
China AMC: 海内外巨头纷纷布局,人形机器人政策不断加码,将为具体研发和应用提供强有力的支持,在政策和技术的双重支持下,加速突破关键技术与产业化;老龄化与人力成本因素下,人形机器人性价比渐显,需求日增,有望发展成新兴产业。中期看在市场估值整体扩张大周期,成长板块往往表现较好,而具有主题驱动的方向能快速汇聚市场资金,机器人板块具有一定配置价值。(07/01/2025)
Guotai Fund: With the support of policies, the current A-share market enjoys abundant liquidity and the upward trend is expected to continue. All businesses in the securities industry will benefit from the recovery of the market. It is likely to embrace the "Davis Double Play" in terms of profitability and valuation. Besides, the expectation of mergers and acquisitions in the securities industry is constantly intensifying, and the overall profitability and valuation level are expected to keep rising. (03/01/2025)
TOP 10 ETFs by Monthly ADT | |||
Rank | Code | Name | ADT*** (RMB mil) |
1 | 510300 | Huatai-PB CSI 300 ETF | 5,495.75 |
2 | 588000 | ChinaAMC China Science And Technology Innovation Board 50 Component ETF | 4,701.91 |
3 | 159915 | E Fund GEM ETF | 3,499.00 |
4 | 588200 | Harvest SSE STAR Chip Index ETF | 3,069.18 |
5 | 510500 | China Southern CSI 500 ETF | 2,519.12 |
6 | 510050 | ChinaAMC China 50 ETF | 2,518.95 |
7 | 512100 | China Southern CSI 1000 ETF | 2,501.54 |
8 | 512480 | GTJA Allianz CSI All Share Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment ETF | 1,741.91 |
9 | 512880 | Guotai CSI All Share Investment Banking & Brokerage Index ETF | 1,677.10 |
10 | 510310 | E Fund CSI 300 ETF Initiating Fund | 1,653.10 |
Harvest Fund: There are many highlights of science and technology innovation chips in 2025. Firstly, there are good opportunities in the 2025 cycle. Global semiconductor sales are expected to maintain a growth rate of over 10% in 2025, and the industry as a whole will only experience a slight recovery without any other driving force, with a relatively stable foundation. According to the current guidance provided by wafer fabs, it is still good to start production at least in Q1 2025, so the overall downward risk of the industry in 2025 is not significant. Secondly, the most anticipated logic for 2025 is growth opportunities. Recently, the concept of tofu pudding has exploded, and this time it is not just an AI big model, but also involves a series of AI glasses At the Central Economic Work Conference, the concept of "AI+" was even explicitly mentioned, such as AI toys. The combination of the two means that we have technology (represented by breakthroughs in domestic big models such as Dou Bao) and policies, but what we lack is the commercialization of technology. This is something I think is very promising in 2025. Some hardware products of AI+ will be implemented, and next year's AI phone is also certain. Therefore, 2025 is a year where AI hardware is highly likely to have explosive opportunities, which will undoubtedly bring growth opportunities to the semiconductor industry. SSE STAR Chip Index is the most promising chip index, and the investment value next year is not low. Thirdly, 2025 is still a key year for domestic substitution, especially as Trump's uncertain policies after taking office will bring irregular stimulus opportunities to the sector. Therefore, the science and technology innovation chip sector deserves special attention in 2025. At present, before various events occur, the chip sector is still a high beta sector in the market, with stronger elasticity in rising and falling, and maintaining high volatility in the overall market fluctuation range. (06/01/2025)
China AMC: 四季度GDP增速预期上行,伴随超常规逆周期调节开启及“一揽子增量政策”发力显效,宏观经济供需两端都会有不同程度改善。上证50行业分布均衡,内需复苏相关板块权重较高,有望受益政策刺激和经济复苏带来的盈利回升,且央国企含量高、股息率高,在当然市场更具配置价值。 (07/01/2025)
Code | Name | Tracking Index | AUM (HKD mil) |
1M Return | Net Buy** (HKD mil, 1M) |
ADT*** (HKD mil, 1M) |
2800 | TRACKER FUND OF HONG KONG | Hang Seng Index | 138,598.29 | 3.28% | -1,267.89 | 10,099.30 |
2828 | HANG SENG CHINA ENTERPRISES INDEX ETF | Hang Seng China Enterprises Index | 22,090.46 | 4.89% | -1,320.05 | 4,838.73 |
3033 | CSOP HANG SENG TECH INDEX ETF | Hang Seng TECH Index | 37,752.29 | 2.51% | -1,801.35 | 3,076.06 |
3067 | ISHARES HANG SENG TECH ETF | Hang Seng TECH Index | 9,630.42 | 2.16% | -165.29 | 170.04 |
3037 | CSOP HSI ETF | Hang Seng Index | 926.31 | 3.26% | -121.10 | 5.88 |
3032 | HSTECH ETF | Hang Seng TECH Index | 4,606.48 | 2.56% | -185.84 | 62.83 |
2837 | GX HS TECH | Hang Seng TECH Index | 2,810.50 | 2.57% | -119.86 | 1.09 |
3088 | CAM HS TECH | Hang Seng TECH Index | 1,950.07 | 2.57% | -7.87 | 50.06 |
3110 | GX HS HIGH DIV | Hang Seng High Dividend Yield Index | 2,286.34 | 6.05% | -21.63 | 12.31 |
3403 | CAM HSI ESG | HSI ESG Enhanced Index | 7,737.64 | 2.45% | -255.50 | 27.36 |
2801 | ISHARES CHINA | MSCI CHINA | 17,980.35 | 2.49% | 440.77 | 4.63 |
2825 | WISECSIHK100ETF | CSI HK 100 | 1,878.21 | 3.11% | -1.28 | 0.01 |
3040 | GX MSCI CHINA | MSCI CHINA | 2,118.77 | 2.49% | -211.55 | 0.24 |
3069 | CAM HSBIOTECH | Hang Seng Hong Kong-Listed Biotech | 362.58 | -2.60% | -60.76 | 6.18 |
3070 | PING AN HKDIV | CSI HK Dividend | 2,068.72 | 8.63% | 336.31 | 17.22 |
3115 | ISHARESHSI | Hang Seng Index | 1,597.11 | 3.27% | 10.90 | 2.66 |
3039 | EFUNDHSIESG | HSI ESG Enhanced Index | 540.48 | 2.42% | 0.00 | 0.74 |
Source: SSE, SZSE, HKEX, CESC. Data cut-off date: 31 Dec 2024.
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